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Eugen Tarnow


    Medical device deaths do not attract attorneys?

    Eugen G Tarnow  February 3 2016 12:20:23 PM
    By Eugen Tarnow, Ph.D.
    Avalon Business Systems, Inc.

    There is a new tool for class action attorneys specializing in medical device suits: http://fdafeed.com .  That site displays manufacturers together with the number of death reports and attorneys mentioned.  The data is taken from an FDA database.  

    Interestingly there is not much of a correlation between the number of death reports and number of attorneys (see Figure 1).  Is it because most deaths do not lead to possible legal claims or is it because attorneys are not yet using big data?

    Image:Medical device deaths do not attract attorneys?
    Figure 1.  Number of death reports versus number of attorneys for medical device adverse events.

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